This site is currently undergoing a massive backend rework. As such, many pages may become broken for brief periods of time.
If you see any issues, please do make us aware via our Contact Form.

Thank you for browsing, we hope you enjoy the improvements that are coming to the site!

New Year, New Site. Hopefully.

Hello everyone

Well, that sure was a year, huh? I must say, I did not anticipate such a traffic boost at the end, but with Security breach releasing, perhaps I should not have been so surprised.

We have updated to use Cloudflare. Please bear with the site, you may see some graphical errors here and there. It should pass rather quickly.

I’ve decided, I’m just going to do the whole site all over again. Top to bottom. I’ll keep the content, but the theme is now convoluted and ridiculous. I can’t work with it.

I have the dump for Security Breach, and will be posting the relevant snippets to the site. I also plan to diversify videos posted here. I shall be switching to Bitchute by default, but will allow you to switch to YouTube.

I want to really freshen the sheets around here, try to get things cleaned up properly. I can’t be bothered with Freddit, they can do whatever they want, I have long since passed caring about them. I’ll just try to cultivate the FNaFLore community properly.

We’ve also had a lot of changes on the Discord. our bots got upgraded, and our warning system, renewed. Hopefully, the first renewal of many.

Security Breach? ugh, it’s a pain. How can one tease so much connecting lore, but deliver nothing but new story? It baffles me why they didn’t use a single god-damn lore bag to elaborate on past lore. But, such is life. I have come to anticipate such disappointments from FNaF. But, in case anyone cares for a bunch of tapes that basically just tell you “Vanny be cray-cray”, I’ll upload them regardless.

Keep safe, and have a happy New Year. We’re out of the woods into 2022, but I suspect we’re just at the eye of a storm. If you’d like a refuge from the madness, please, do join us on our Discord. We’re always happy to help

Kizzycocoa – Owner and designer of

The Sound of Silence

Well, it happened. It seems I am now banned from Freddit, permanently, without any recourse.

Why, you ask?

Politics. Pure and simple. For having “wrong” opinions in my server’s channel dedicated to discussing hot political topics.

Things like, we need to tackle fatherlessness in minority communities with higher rates of crime. Things like, as a homosexual, thinking pride parades are too sexual nowadays. Things like explaining to one of the Freddit mods, Stu, that I could personally kill them with no recourse if the police did not exist (but immediately saying I’d not, as I’m a pacifist). Then that same mod freaked out like a hysterical child and claimed it was a literal threat.

I don’t even know who the fuck you lot are. My beef with any of the team was centuries ago, and it was all sorted amicably.

On top of this? That message was sent out to many people, without any provocation, within mere minutes of fnafgyfr stepping down. I was not the only one banned this way, either. This is a case of the Freddit team, as soon as the power dynamics shifted, expelling a whole swathe of people whose political opinions they disagree with, and whom they personally hate. I do not know how many people they banned this way, but it is very, VERY clear that these bans are not based on any behaviour on the subreddit. It is based on ideology alone. these people, who would dare call themselves moderators, are nothing more than tinpot tyrants whom want to excise any view they disagree with from the subreddit, and all of society, if they had the power to do so.

But, this is what happens when the head mod promotes the ideologues whom took over the Discord, and then leaves them in full control. I expected better of fnafgyfr. Freddit’s moderation is now a shadow of it’s former self.

But also, make no mistake, the reason they no longer permit discussion of Scott is because they fucking loathe the man for his own political voting and donation record. That is why they banned all discussion of Scott, not in order to protect his family, or whatever tripe they put out here to justify their censorship. These people were some of those whom praised Scott stepping down, and celebrated his scalp being added to the pile of people that’ve been persecuted for political opinions, and as soon as they got into power, decided they’d try to take mine as well.

I would urge people, leave Freddit. Do not give these people any domain to have power over. If you are a fan of Scott’s work, support the /r/scottgames subreddit. It is regrettable that one of the Freddit mods share a position on that team, but the head moderator, Momerator, is an excellent judge of character and can keep that place in check.

Further, we still have /r/fnaflore locked down, just need to give it a revamp. So, we can perhaps try to launch that old place. We just need moderators, but this place is rather old and unused right now. We’ve not had a good active community for a while, and those still active are detractors that’d sooner see us crash and burn.

Still, I felt people should see the conclusion to the #Freeblue and Fleshmonger saga. A pity. It has forever tainted the subreddit. They’re now overrun with political idealogues, another community overtaken by them.

As for site updates, we’re going to try to overhaul this place a bit too. it’s been abandoned for a while. Still, felt this little update should be out there. Liking the new ARG, it has strong Project Abraham vibes, from the old Resistance 2 PS3 launch. I have suggested to Scott to do something like this for a while, I hope it gets more in-depth with secrets, rather than remaining a glorified video player!

Keep safe, and never, EVER feel like you shouldn’t speak your mind. Do not let the censors win. Speak your mind freely. It is the only way society can work. Otherwise, we face quite a dark change of culture, where people self-censor for fear of reprisal. That is no civilisation I wish to live in. I wish to live in a free society, no matter what ideological party is in power. This is a position we should all hold, or else we will be advocating our own silencing, once the latest political hot topic changes.

Keep safe. Speak free. Live life.

Kizzycocoa – Owner and designer of

The Franchise Should Be Retired, Not Scott

Hello all

I want to state, I have the upmost respect for Scott. We’ve disagreed, but regardless of my opinions on him, his views or his actions, he is a great guy, and his charitable nature is to be admired. I was one of, if not the, first to email him personally over the entire situation, just so he could have the most time to prepare.

But this news post will be one of critique and frustration. While I respect him, his reaction to the situation, while initially correct, has fallen totally flat, and I feel will damage the franchise and many of his followers. But perhaps most importantly, will leave Scott vulnerable well into the future.

I’m sure you’ve all seen the news. After a sustained harassment campaign over Scott’s financial political contributions, mostly by the elite journalist class, he is stepping down. This is painted by him as “taking time out with the family”. While this may be in part true, no-one is buying that this is the main reason. Not one single solitary person is buying that Scott is stepping down over his desire to return to family life (while still making games?!?!). If the time between controversy to resigning wasn’t a big enough link, the fact he is still going to make games should nail this coffin. Make no mistake, this is Scott cancelling himself.

Let us all face facts. As much as I’m sure Scott wants us to think this is him just trying to be a more wholesome family man, this is not. This is Scott submitting to the braying mob, begging they stop sending threats his way and leave the community alone. This is a mistake, and it will poison the franchise far worse than if he had maintained his first line of action until after Security Breach released.

I for one think FNaF should have ended come FNaF3. It had a perfect end, the hat on the ground under a spotlight, it held imagery reminiscent of something akin to a single rose lying on an opera floor. A symbol, of sorts, of the end of an era and the close of the story. The franchise should have ended ages ago, and that it’s gone on, I feel, has cheapened it’s overall story.

But more to the point, I feel that the franchise ending in a grand finale would be far more palatable to the fandom than Scott handing it off to someone else. FNaF is simply not going to be the same under someone else’s leadership.

Scott stepping down has done a couple of things I find ultimately distasteful and self-destructive.

For one, to those journalists, it is an admission of defeat – and thus, in a sense, an admission of guilt. Scott will now forever be known as the “former” FNaF creator who “stepped down due to his far right views”. This is how journalism works in the ragebait era. They will take that line, that controversy, this “confession”, and store it. Then, whenever Scott so much as breathes on some new IP or game, his name will forever be prefixed with terms like “controversial”, “far right”, “republican” and so on. To step down will simply embolden them to bring up how he left the franchise every single time, in all the articles, all the tweets and news releases.

Scott retiring is a scalp for these crazy people. It is a scalp that they shall wave whenever they can, because the media takes great pride in someone getting cancelled, and will crow about it until the end of time. This is how they measure their success, and Scott has decided that he will simply hand them the scalp they crave, free of charge. These people can say “We helped get Scott Cawthon cancelled”, parading around his corpse for all to see.

But this does more than forever taint Scott’s name in the video games “journalistic” world. It lets down the very people Scott purports to align himself with. There is currently an epidemic of cancelling across nearly all factors of Scott’s demographics. Religious cancelling, Republican cancelling, Game developer cancelling and so on. All these demographics being cancelled, because they step out of line with what the media deemed to be appropriate.

By resigning, Scott lets down all of these demographics, and all those identifying with any of those groups. Groups that are perpetually victimised for something as inconsequential as how to run the economy, how to handle immigration, how to portray people in video games, tokenising minority identities in videogames and so on. So many have been cancelled from the specific demographics Scott represents, and rather than show them you can step up to these bullies, Scott has carried his cross and even nailed himself to it.

He also lets down his own community, whom nearly uniformly expressed total solidarity. #IStandWithScott was trending, and even despite the crazed checkmark journalists and rabid identity political pundits, the sheer amount of support over anger is astounding. Now all these people are left standing by someone who won’t even stand for himself.

Not only has he done this, but it solves nothing. It is all for naught. it won’t stem the tide of those sending him death threats. It tells these mad people that DEATH THREATS WORK, SO USE THEM MORE! By giving in to these lunatics, Scott tacitly tells them “yes, this worked, do it to the next person and it will still work”. His actions help to fuel death threats to the next republican game developer, or the next developer who dares express supposed controversial opinions on immigration, gender or religion.

The fact is, cancel culture does not go away with submission. It has so many scalps, this should be simple common sense. It gets emboldened. It goes higher. I can guarantee even at this moment, people are trying to cancel not just the creator, but the creation. Emailing Steel Wool, asking them to take a moral stand and cancel Security Breach. Emailing Illumix and telling them to discontinue Special Delivery. Probably trying to sabotage the fangame project through Clickteam. Contacting shops selling FNaF merch to get them to pull it from the shelves. Trying to get Funko to drop the pop vinyls. It doesn’t stop. It never will. It does get better if you stand up to it, but submit, and you hold that cloud over you forever. You will be demanded to make an apology, to bend the knee, every time you resurface. Submit, and you will be expected to do so again, and again, and again.

Scott’s first message was perfect, and while some screeched more, it signalled strength, principle, integrity. Not just to those trying to cancel him, but to his fans who may share the same political or religious alignment. To resign from FNaF deconstructs all of that. It perverts that, replacing the strength and integrity with weakness and shame. It leaves every supporter of Scott holding the bad. People trying to support you, when not even you support you. Downtrodden even further, and possibly at the cost of their friend groups in order to support you. All for nothing.

The fact is, I believe honestly and genuinely, Scott should revoke his retirement notice. He should state that he will remain, and will finish the franchise’s story. He’s already outsourced the development, he’s not got a lot to do beyond that. Lore stuff mostly, design work for the models and so on. Scott no longer develops FNaF, he has it developed and provides some art assets. A concluded FNaF with all the loose ends tied up would be infinitely more preferable than a continued FNaF with a different direction. This is an opinion I hold, and I believe so too does the community hold this opinion. You are integral to the FNaF franchise. It will dissipate with your departure, much like Minecraft and Notch.

After the first post made, I had no thought to put together any breakdown on this. After his second statement, I felt obliged to do so. Someone has to be the torch in the darkness for those people getting cancelled. Someone who will make a stand, say “I did nothing wrong, and I will stand my ground”. I can respect Scott not wanting to take that responsibility in order to protect his family. The intent is understandable. But submission, time and time again, has not worked. It only makes it worse. It validates the claims against you, and makes them easier to weaponise against you.

I was told by one person whom I ran this article by, that I seemed to lack empathy for considering putting up this article. I completely rebuke this for two reasons. For the first, I want Scott and his family to be safe, as much as anyone else in the community. Surrendering to the mob will not keep you safe, it will keep you vulnerable to them. I do not want to see Scott or his family left vulnerable because of good-intentioned attempts to compromise, with a force that seeks only compliance. For the second, Scott’s refusal to stand his ground leaves many more fans feeling dejected. Another person cancelled over their political ideology. Another reason to shut your mouth, if you know what’s good for you. I cannot in good conscience allow such a horrible message to exist unchallenged.

I feel this needs to be made to both implore Scott to not fall into this trap, and to tell those other people that you should NOT be silent over your views. If Scott will refuse to take that mantle, then I shall be all too happy to pick it up in his stead. To hell with those whom will try to cancel you or unfriend you, over basic opinions of political topics or religious views. I’ve lost several friends over such disagreements, and I’ve let them go. Not happily, with great sadness and pain. I recall them still, and wish them only the best of luck in their lives. But you cannot convince a zealot whom cannot comprehend an alternate view to be your friend. You must tell yourself, it was never going to last. You just have to let it go.

You should have no fear in expressing your political or religious views, and most importantly, never be repentant for such opinions. They are derived by your lived experience, why should you apologise for this? Even if you grow to change them, no-one is born with perfect opinions on politics, religion and so on. They change constantly through our life as we grow older and wiser. We’re all different people all through our lives, and that’s ok. That’s good. You’ve got to keep moving, so long as you remember all the people that you used to be. But never be ashamed of those people. They, you, are products of where you are and how you lived life. This is the message I want this article to convey to all those dejected by Scott’s cancelling.

Keep strong and true to yourself. Do not cling to old values for the sake of keeping them, but likewise, do not be apologetic to hold such views. Refine and review them regularly. Try to be as true to yourself as possible, and if people have an issue with that, let them go. If they attack or insult or dox you, block them and move on. Do not let someone bully you into being someone else, or compromising your view of reality so to believe things you think are nonsense, or worse, harmful.

Scott, I implore you, revoke your message of resignation. Instead, finish the franchise and retire with dignity. This retirement is so clearly linked to the cancelling attempt, no-one thinks that you’re leaving because you want to – even if this was something you were already feeling when this all hit. Perhaps revive it in ten years or so if you want to return to it, or do little spinoff games now and then. But I feel certain that the community would rather you be here to finish the series you started, than to see you bend over for your critics and let some newcomer try to fill your shoes, all the while the sword of Damocles rests above their head. To hand off the franchise won’t just hinder it, it will put great pressure on your replacement. Will their twitter timeline be squeaky clean? Do they have donation records? Offensive Facebook jokes, skeletons in the closet? Their twitter history, political donation history and any other public records will be scoured by the mob, so they can claim another scalp right off the back of yours.

Please, do it for your fans who may share some of your views – or even those who hold unrelated but similarly persecuted views. People who see you getting cancelled, and keep their mouth shut and head down. Because if this can happen to you, it can happen to them. Your resignation validates their concern to exercise their freedom of speech. They will keep silent unless people speak out. I’ve done so, and met with some cancelling, but it is for the greater good. We cannot allow these bullies to run people into the ground for their opinions.

Please reconsider. Do not retire yourself, retire the franchise. Leave the franchise in a state of closure, and move onto the next series you desire to create. Your fans – your proper fans – are sure to follow you there. The franchise shall continue with fan content from the myriad of colourful characters you have made, and in time, perhaps a less charged time, the franchise will be ripe for revisiting.

I critique a lot of what you do. I think you’re shit at long-form storytelling, I think you were totally in the wrong to get The Dolls to change, I find the concept that Flumpty and Candy need to go through you to be sold to be outright ridiculous and quite frankly, I think you’re out of your fucking mind to think that mpreg in a FNaF horror novel was ever a good idea, rather than some insane fantasy land that detracts from the semi-realism you try to portray.

But above all of that, I think you’re an upstanding guy and I think you deserve all the respect you’ve earned, and the peace of a quiet personal life, free of threats. I disagree on issues of storytelling methods and law, but I respect you like I would any friend of mine. I want you and your family to come out of this the best you can.

Having followed cancel culture closely this last decade as a particular point of interest, trust me, this isn’t the path. This is the wrong path. Please reconsider. Close up the franchise instead, then move on. Do not let this insane mob claim you for a scalp.

In any case, I wish Scott – and the rest of you fine people reading – the very best. As per usual, I would invite those whom fear speaking out to join our Discord server. It isn’t a safe space (It is a public server), but it is an open space to share any views, with an active and heated political room and a specific ideology to not ban based on political opinion, but based on on-server behaviour. You’ll need to ask a mod to get to the room.

Keep safe. Speak free. Live life.

Kizzycocoa – Owner and designer of

A Small Update on the Site’s Status

Hello all

It has been a while. I feel I should give a brief overview of the site status.

Basically, the entire site is sorta frozen. honestly, I’ve lost all motivation to update it. I’ve instead been taking part in the community for The Blackout Club.
Honestly, my motivation, both for this site, and for IRL activities, are at an all-time low. I’ve just been crushed by theory burn, the whole COVID lockdown frustration and other issues. It is really messing with me at this point.

I hear the new MFA decompiler will soon be ready, and I think I intend to properly return then.
I can appreciate it is frustrating for some readers. Honestly, it is for me too. The books don’t even make sense. Goddamn mpreg? What the hell? Bleh.

Still, once the decompiler is sorted, I can get the maps of some pages sorted, something that was a large drag for me. I will probably get back to it a bit more fully when the new game comes out, and the decompiler is completed.

Keep safe everyone. If you’d like to talk, our Discord is still relatively active. Though, perhaps steer clear of the Serious Business room, for your own sanity. At least until after the American presidential inauguration.

Oh, and Merry Christmas, and have a Happy New Year! Lets hope next year is a bit less frustrating than this one.

Kizzycocoa – Owner and designer of

On Current Events and Cancel Culture

Hello All.

Apologies in advance for the length of this post. The subject got away with me a bit. Yeah, yeah here we go again. Another controversial news post by Kizz. This one is important.

With all communities making a statement of sorts over the last few months, I’ve wondered if I should post one for quite some time. I eventually decided to make this statement, prompted by seeing so many people I know (from Markiplier, to Ben and Jerry’s, to MatPat, to Jonochrome, to JackSepticEye etc.) all making similar statements on the state of the world and our communities. I feel, we should too. But not for reasons that some may expect.

The world is being turned upside-down right now, torn between a viral outbreak and mass protesting/riots. These issues seem to be spreading to each corner of every community, be it the largest subreddits to the smallest knitting circles. Seeing everyone go over everything, I feel we should make a statement in return on, and our position concerning such events. There was also a specific video released that I am using this opportunity to directly respond to, while in turn emphasising the dangers of cancel culture with a story relating to that video.

I shall start with a FNaFLore moderation joint statement. This statement has been approved by all moderators of FNaFlore’s Discord community. The rest of the article is written solely by myself.

FNaFLore Discord Moderator Joint Statement

As recent events have rocked the world, we at wish to make a statement.

As with almost everyone, we condemn what appears to be the murder of George Floyd, and look to the legal system in hopes that justice will be served, and would most certainly call for more police reform, particularly in the field of de-escalation training and community outreach.

Unfortunately, with his death, a trove of both censorship issues and lawlessness have become more prominent in the global conversation. As such, we wish to iterate our stance on conduct on our server.

We at have always dedicated ourselves to free speech. Obviously bound by ToS of our respective platforms, we believe more speech is always better than less speech. People should be free to speak their mind, and do so without persecution. We also believe persecution of anyone due to their political opinions, party allegiances or inherent physical characteristics is utterly abhorrent, and that malicious personal attacks are not to be tolerated.

We all have political opinions, but each one of us subscribe to the principle that we cannot allow our politics to guide our hand when it comes to moderation. Moderation is a necessary evil in order to ensure some level of standards and order can be upheld. Beyond Discord TOS, we only uphold the rules we have in place, and can each propose changes through a vote at any time. This ensures you are fully informed whenever punitive action is taken.

Further, we’ve noticed a large conflation of critique and attack over the past few years. does not permit personal attacks, which can include name-calling, degradation of yourself or loved ones, doxxing or other actions that have measurable harm. However, we at shall not shut down critique. Critique is necessary for civilisation to progress. Without critique, we cannot possibly grow or change our opinions. is committed to being a politically neutral space. While we do not tolerate racism or similar personal attacks against specific characteristics of others, we are inclusive of all viewpoints, be they conservative, liberal, progressive or traditionalist. All are welcome to speak their mind in our server.

Personal Statements on Current Events and Censorship

For the sake of my Discord team, I want you to yet again know this is where the joint nature of our statements end. From here, this is all me, riffing on an article I feel I must make for both my own sake, and to try to help others. It is hard to know where to start for myself. I suppose I’ll start with the topic at hand.

Over and over again, I see people blanket supporting the Black Lives Matter movement. I question it. Even those in the Black Lives Matter movement lament that members of Antifa have used their movement’s legitimacy to spread chaos, and many have stepped down as a result. Such members do this on purpose. It is a tactic to dress as a more legitimate organisation.

Some people wonder how anyone could be against Black Lives Matter. What is not explored is what the movement is, and how it is far more nuanced than being for or against the movement as a whole. To understand this, one must understand there are three aspects of Black Lives Matter, and your support for one aspect does not mandate support for another.

The first aspect is the phrase itself. Of course black lives matter, as do white, jewish, gay, elderly, whatever other colours or words. For me, even words like communist, fascist and insect must be included, because at the end of the day, life itself is inherently precious. You can disagree with someone, and perhaps try to persuade them to your side. But just because you disagree with someone, or even hate someone’s worldview does not make their life matter less. Even with insects, I try to do no harm. I will move mountains to attempt to remove woodlouse, spiders and bees from within our house without killing them.

So yes, black lives do matter, fully agree. But we must recognise this is not mutually exclusive of any other “X lives matter” slogan. For me, I much prefer the slogan of “Each Life Matters”, which I feel is of a far more individualist ideology which also applies to each individual case of life.

The second aspect is the original group of people, the organisation. The people whom want police reform. This is also something I support, the people behind the slogan whom want police reform and accountability. 100%, support them all the way. It is a hard fight, but it is a worthy one.

One such issue that has to be brought up, is I feel their focus is somewhat misguided if the effort is to preserve black lives. Historically, black-on-black death has been very, very high, and the police do not factor into this. What actually needs to be addressed, in my opinion, is fatherlessness. You look to most young offenders of either race – even school shooters – and the pattern is always the same. Fatherlessness or divorce. I feel strongly that has to be where the main focus is, because that will help so much with the majority of black deaths. But that is a topic not for this article.

The third aspect is one that crosses the line. The aspect that has infected much of our spaces, and has rooted itself in the Black Lives Matter movement, as if wearing it like a skin-suit. The political ideology of Intersectionality. This isn’t just my view, many in the actual Black Lives Matter organisation feel that too and have dropped out because this aspect is what many find unpalatable. This is the aspect that seeks to rip down statues, erase our past and burn books, because it somehow makes us unequal. For anyone whom believes in freedom – not just of speech, but genuine liberty – this is where the line is drawn.

It is the agenda that calls for police not to be reformed, but disbanded. That demands perfectly equal hiring not based on skill and merit, but based on race, sexuality and so on. It is an inherently racist and divisive worldview that sees people not as individuals, but as uniform blocks that must be arranged in a perfect order and played against each other for the good of progress. These calls will lead to a total breakdown of law and order. Say the police get defunded, the richer classes will just hire private security, and then what? We have the lower classes defenceless, and nothing changes for the established order. Want to take out private security too? Who do you expect will enforce that law? The police?

This is without mentioning the amount of black death and torment that this ideology has enabled since coming into play. A black man whom died protecting his friend’s pawn shop. A black man whose entire business got destroyed before he could even open it. Two black teens, shot for joyriding around the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone – one died. An 8 year old girl, shot dead outside of a Wendys.

David Dorn (77)

KB Balla

Horace Lorenzo Anderson (19)

Secoriea Turner (8)

Killed while defending his friend’s shop Lost his entire business to looters Shot dead while driving around the CHAZ Shot dead while her parents tried to park at a Wendys
Fundly Link GoFundMe Link GoFundMe Link GoFundMe Link

These are all actions taken by those whom declare themselves “Black Lives Matter”, and this is but a fraction. There are so many more stories. It is disgusting, and so blatant that these people have hijacked the movement. Everyone agreed from day 1, the police need to change, George Floyd should not have died. But how many black deaths will it take to overturn the anger George’s death incited? When do these innocent people get their outrage? How many more children does the intersectional ideology need to send to the morgue until people realise these people don’t care for the cause they are parroting?

This ideology is one that has to be opposed. It is wearing the BLM movement as a mask. It does not care for black lives, it cares only for power and the destruction of modern civilisation, to be replaced by whatever the hell CHAZ was meant to be. I support both the phrase and original group of activists, but this new ideology is something that cannot be allowed to fester. Which brings us to:

On Censorship

With global events escalating, we’re seeing mass censorship on unimaginable scales. People nowadays have to be so careful, treading eggshells wherever they go, which is something I oppose greatly.

Our server has had battles for the integrity of our ruleset before. When discussions of Transgenderism and MOGAI (Marginalized Orientations Genders And Intersex) genders arose, there was a big amount of pressure to curb such conversation. We resisted based on our own principles, only relenting on a misgendering rule. Conversation is vital for society to grow and evolve. It is getting to the point where one cannot critique some classes and groups in any capacity.

Take as an example, the LGBT community. on the Freddit discord, they were discussing Pride Month. I am gay, and wanted to contribute in a slightly different tone. My opinion of the Pride Parades are that of embarrassment, and in some cases, disgust. I’m very much a gay whom wants a husband, some kids, the kinda domestic bliss scenario. A rare breed, or so I am led to believe. I despise how sexualised Pride events have become. In a recent Irish LGBT march, they literally had someone called “Mr Leather” marching down the street, with 5 men in dog-head “pup” BDSM gear crawling in front of him, on a pack-leash he was holding. This, right in front of some children behind him. What could those kids possibly be learning here? The depravity of some – not all – elements of pride parades fills me with great frustration. During Pride Month, I wished to share my frustration.

I waded in and made my view known, but was shunned for it. I asked the moderators, are you even allowed to discuss the negative aspects of LGBT culture, or are you only allowed to speak positively? They said the latter. That the community is not mature enough to discuss such topics in a negative light. Yet, it is mature enough to discuss it positively. The mind boggles at this. How can such critique ever be had, if we are only to talk positively about such topics?

My larger point is, speech itself has to be protected. No-one will get killed because of a dissenting opinion. Look throughout history at those whom would silence others and burn books. Not one of those tyrants were the “good guys”. To silence an opinion shows you are afraid of that opinion, and do not hold the moral character to fight against it. It troubles me greatly that this is the stage that global politics and discourse has reached. Good ideas don’t need their opposition to be silenced, they are simply better. Anyone trying to silence speech is doing so because their side is weaker.

In our Discord, people can critique whatever they wish. So long as they are not personally insulting other people, we have no issues with dialogue. This applies to any group or ideology being discussed. Critique is good, it is what helps to solidify our respective culture’s values around a topic.

But the current levels of censorship has given way to the penultimate and inevitable reality of:

On Cancel Culture

This is frankly the main thrust for this article I am writing. Cancel culture is prevalent in today’s day and age, and it is doing measurable harm. I myself have tried to be the change I want to see, stopping it wherever I can. I do so because I am a community figure and authority, as much as many may scoff at that notion. I run a place wherein several people rely on our leadership to maintain order of an online public square. So, whenever I hear of a troubling event, I dig deep into that event. Sadly, being this kind of moderator, I have since been a subject to cancel culture itself from those who relay such false allegations.

Cancel Culture is essentially the means by which people are removed from a community or job permanently, without chance to return, or with heavy scorn and prejudice. Often, these people are hounded from place to place, ensuring no ability to ever rejoin the community/workplace. This is why we at FNaFLore have cultivated our rules so that no matter what, you will be permitted to return. Because to permanently mark someone as irredeemable is immoral.

In the wider world, this culture is far more used on the left, to an alarming degree. It started with Gamergate. If you believed the issue revolved around ethics in journalism like the sadly departed TotalBiscuit, you were deemed to be sexist, or assisting sexism. Over time, it turned to attacking those whom defended traditional depictions in comic books. At present, we are at a point where the most beloved modern UK Writer, JK Rowling, is being cancelled by her fans over personal opinions on female spaces. Cancelled, even by Harry Potter himself, Daniel Radcliffe, despite all she did to launch his career.

Cancel culture is moronic, and if you are any part in perpetuating it, you are point-blank stupid. There is no end to the madness, it always seems to trigger a “purity spiral”, in which there is a competition to see whom is the most progressive. Out go all those with the weakest convictions. But then, as the spiralling intensifies like a tornado, it starts to spit out those with pretty reasonable doubts, or a couple of disagreements. Then go those whom question it at all, until the people maintaining the outrage cannot maintain the intensity of the purity spiral and they are forced to stop.

We are at a point where people (like myself) whom are fully supportive of free/government-run healthcare, gay marriage, transgender people, police reform and freedom of speech, are being slandered as far right because they don’t fit a specific set of ideological views. This because despite sharing 99% of ideology, there are one or two aspects of their belief structure that do not fit with the overall movement’s ideology. This is a call to cancel anyone without a specific exacting ideology, it is pure insanity, particularly as the angry mob tend to demand lifetime retribution for what is typically an issue of personal opinion. It is insane to demand everyone shares your precise views on all topics.

It has also become genuinely detrimental to some people in the community. We are at a point where transgender people are being denied allies because some self-righteous fanatics claim those whom do not support infinite gender identities are transphobic, a wholly unrelated topic to the critique. Yet here we are, and that argument has been used against me specifically from within this community, as well as many others. Transgender people are some of the bravest people I know, and quite sadly, are the ones most at risk of suicide. To attach onto that the cause of almost gender identity is to leech legitimacy from scientifically proven realities, in order to force your own woo-woo through without any sort of pushback. Like using the transgender community as large riot shields trying to sprint across the finish line. Still, I shall return to the main point before we stray too much further from the path.

Cancel culture takes many forms in the FNaF community. I have seen people spread vile lies about users in the hope to make them outcasts, I have seen users trying to force moderators to ban a specific person for personal/political reasons, or those moderators doing so of their own free will. More often than not, it is because the person targetted has had a falling out with a malicious actor, hold political views that are deemed immoral by said actor, or they have been accused of something that is deemed inexcusable, and everyone is too afraid or uninterested to try to dig into the issue.

I recall a prominent moment in which the community came together to cancel a newly-minted Freddit mod whom talked about their attraction to Springtrap, and shipped Scott/Dawko. I won’t deny, I did make some funny comments on the Springtrap attraction. I mean, why not Spring Bonnie? Why do you need a corpse in there?! But let us be clear, either one of those positions they took are acceptable as a personal opinion, and does not interfere with their own conduct, even if I can’t understand why they hold them. I know the second accusation RE Dawko/Scott is a bit out there. To be shipped by someone is rather strange, especially if age is a factor of the ship. But hey, many in the community ship community leaders together, the infamous one being Septiplier. I for one have personally shipped Kane/Phil in the past as an old married couple. Shame that ship was sunk. But I digress. Some people do shipping, big shocker. It has happened since the dawn of fanfiction.

Some would point to me and say “But what about Basetown?”. With Basetown, there was measurable bad moderation behaviour pulled from a variety of reasoning, including being completely absent during the MemeMachine attacks and notable inactivity. Freddit mods literally wished for him to step down, and all polls said users wanted the same thing too. When he did? No-one chased him further out. It was purely about Freddit’s functionality. Some were displeased – myself included – that he was still there, but it was acceptable, and not pressed further. He was not cancelled, he just stepped down to become a normal mod. That was good enough.

To take a small detour and shortly round back to the Cancel Culture topic, what primarily pushed me to make this article was what I viewed to be an excessively hypocritical video from someone whom I deemed to once be a good associate, Jonochrome.

I will preface this by stating I do not wish for readers to take any actions on my behalf. But this situation makes for a good example, and one of the most recent attempts to cancel me which has floundered in all aspects, bar this one.

For full disclosure, I have had several largely favourable talks with Jonochrome over the years, ranging from general life to discussions on certain similarities we share. Furthermore, in order to bring you the ONaF section, I have exchanged $100 total for his illustration services – $20 per image. This was the highest of his price range, and I chose it because I respect him greatly and appreciated his work. This was for the BBB/Kevin Jr, Redman, Grunkfuss, Champ/Chump and Beaver illustrations respectively. It was a cost I was willing to make, similarly made with the other artists whom completed the work, and it is an expense still do not regret. It was both for the good of the community to get specifically the missing Champ/Chump/Mummy Beaver images, but also, I was happy to support a fantastic fandom and a creator I honestly admired.

The final work was astonishingly good, and I am still very happy to have supported him by having these images made. Regardless, this is just to illustrate that we knew each other and were at least friendly, with a small understanding of each other’s general mindset. We had talked on the level of casual emojis, and talking of our own personal shared experiences.

He released the video above, and I made this comment on the video:

Happy Birthday Jono.

I for one 100% agree with the sentiments. I encourage people to discuss issues of racism and transgender rights, and fully support those whom wish to transition from male to female, or in the reverse.

I too feel, you should always seek someone’s viewpoint. It is why, whenever I hear of something wrong with someone, I investigate it. I don’t take someone’s word blindly, I hunt down the evidence of wrongdoing, talk to them directly to understand their position and give them a chance to speak for/defend themselves, try to find any missing context and see if any allegations make sense, given their personality and disposition.

People are so quick nowadays to block everyone out on the flimsiest of evidence, or based on a single person’s word. We no longer see each other as people, but as factions, which is simply amplifying the divide by blocking out the “other side”. Things are never so black and white, and today’s society misses that entirely, instead demanding you fit on one side or another of each issue, often based on a plethora of opinions that aren’t mutually exclusive. We’ve lost sight of seeing people as individuals, and lost sight that the best weapon to combat racism, transphobia and so on is actual conversation.

It is why people like Daryl Davis are truly inspirations to us all, crossing that divide to try to close it completely. No need to censor, just using words to understand and to be understood. It is because of stories like his that I always try to reach out to understand others on either side of the political divide, and try to help others understand both myself and their opponents. As Daryl says, “ignorance breeds fear. If you don’t keep that fear in check, that fear will breed hatred. If you don’t keep hatred in check, it will breed destruction”.

Regardless, I sincerely hope you have a good birthday in whichever way you are able to do so during these crazy lockdown days.

It was, in some ways, a bit of a callout. I emphasised, and will emphasise further, the use of listening, researching and gaining other’s perspectives, words Jonochrome used in his own video. But I then found out I was banned from commenting on the video. I could see the comment, but no-one else could.

So to illustrate my issue with cancel culture, I shall tell you a story which will in turn amplify this comment’s reach. A FNaFLore Fable on why you should always take any attempt at cancel culture seriously, and why even the slightest piece of slander must be neutralised. If it is not, it could fracture your relationships with people you respect, be it family, friends or even professional acquaintances. It is a plea to those whom do not follow Jonochrome’s advice to listen, research and gather perspectives. Including Jonochrome himself.

Case Study: FNaFLore and Jonochrome

A long time ago, the Discord server had a NSFW room. It was one of the default rooms to make, is how I viewed it. You got general, fan content, memes, voice and NSFW, utilising the NSFW room functions. Over time, some of our team didn’t feel comfortable moderating this room, and so by a simple vote, we removed the NSFW room in favour of a separate NSFW server, which would be moderated by other mods. This worked well for some time.

Fast forward, and we find out a minor had got into the server. We had discussed Discord TOS before, and even got a reply from Discord itself about enforcing them. We were told it is on Discord to enforce TOS violations, which we also verified via Reddit. Ok, good to know, we thought. so the NSFW age gate will serve as its own precaution, just like 99.99% of all adult sites. When we found out the minor was in the chat, though we “knew” it was for Discord to handle it, we weren’t comfortable leaving them in the room.

Due to my particular history of being banned elsewhere, we always ban for reasons presently held in the rules. It is a personal philosophy. So, we didn’t get rid of them immediately, instead planning to do so the moment the new rule went into effect. So day 1, we voted on having such a rule, and it passed with no objection from the team. It took the course of the whole day due to timezones. It was more of a formality to the process, but it is vital. I am not above my team in moderation, I always try to be on level, with emergency powers if needed. Day 2, I drafted the rule, but dragged my heels a bit on the final wording. It was a rough workday, and I slept it off for most of that evening after work.

Day 3, the server, my account and the account of the minor were all deleted. Discord gave us a boilerplate reply that claimed “Your account was posting content that sexualized minors or was involved in servers which were dedicated to such unacceptable content”. This clearly did not occur, the server was a general NSFW server, and I never even contributed to it. I find sharing any NSFW content to be rather vulgar. My NSFW content lives and will die on my personal devices hidden by a secondary pin number and protected by data encryption, with a fakeout alternate pin for good measure. That aside, Discord did not permaban me because all I did was not kick a minor out of a NSFW server. If I had done anything close to what was later claimed by my detractors, I’d have been permabanned from Discord.

Still, this immediately led to a spate of people claiming I was a paedophile because of how Discord worded the violation email. Ask any FNaFLore NSFW moderator, you will know that we did not sexualise minors nor dedicate the server to that content.

To anyone whom knows me, that accusation is blatantly ridiculous. Beyond the moral objections we all share that it is inherently wrong, there is not a child in the world that could, for lack of better words, be the “tall, dark and handsome” sort of guy I crave. The notion is laughable. A child can never be domineering in the bedroom, it just does not work like that. However, this accusation, as stupid and small as it was, left some stray comments here and there. I try to crush them whenever I can, because I know what happens when you do not do so, which in the end did happen.

False allegations are a tool of cancel culture, and the accusation of paedophilia is one of the most damaging tools of them all. It is the Golden Gun of the arsenal. I have defended three people from such accusations, and to do so is very, very easy. As Jonochrome said in his video, you need to listen. You need to research. You need to consider that the person you could condemn has a better perspective than those condemning them, or yourself. In all the cases I researched, I found issues.

The first issue was with a disgruntled former coder whom accused a well known fangame creator. Those I swiftly dealt with as they were blatantly saying they would make up these accusations in prior chats. There was a brief standoff in which I levied my site’s then massive power over them by showing the despicable things they planned to do with the developer’s stolen website, and they ultimately backed down.

The second, a case of two 15 year olds. One shared an explicit image of themselves to the other, and 3 years later, got accused. They were banned from Freddit until I intervened and found out the facts of the case, something Freddit had missed because they blindly believed the accuser. They did not listen, research or gather perspectives.

The third was between a 23 year old user and his friend group. Recently shunned, he left that group. But they lured him back with the intent to initiate a sexual roleplay and ensnare him in accusations. When initiated, he reciprocated, until later that day learning of the age of the user involved. That led to them getting banned on Freddit’s Discord. It was rather stupid of them to do, of course. you should always be sure of the age of someone you’re doing that with. However, the moment that he knew their age, the roleplaying ended. As far as I’m concerned, he asked their age in a group chat. He wasn’t intending to hide anything, he made a mistake. The group took that conversation and cut it up. They presented the age confirmation first, then the roleplay second. This is something you could see in the timestamps within the images.

Of all crimes, paedophilia is the most damaging to reputation. Rightly so, when you are guilty of it. However, these users have not been guilty of it. They were accused by dumb kids who saw the accusation as a way to get revenge. I want to stress, these accusers are vile and stupid people whom wish to destroy someone out of personal grievance. These people are the very definition of evil, crying wolf just so they can watch people get outcast, which in turn lessens the accusation’s power for real paedophilia. Some may say it is strong to call them evil, I disagree. If you’re calling someone a paedophile, you know the stigma you are flinging at them, and if the accusation is not founded in reality, you were either lying, or stupidly uninformed enough to tar someone with that brush. Both scenarios I see as evil and inexcusable.

This occurred when my detractors used the issue of my NSFW server to accuse me of the same such crime. However, it was inherently laughable as previously noted, so most dismissed it out of hand.

Fast forward, and I waded into a discussion over transgenderism in the Flumpty chat. I forget how it happened, I don’t think I started it. I think it was during Pride month, so as per Freddit, I laid out similar concerns with the LGBT community, because if you can talk positively, why not negatively? This led to a email discussion with Jonochrome over email, wherein he ended his last email on the subject saying he was unsure what to think.

I viewed this as an invitation to summarise my views. So, I summarised my philosophy as eloquently as I could, and sent the email. I view it as an invitation to explain in a broader way. So I did. This led to Jonochrome demanding I take down all ONaF content from the site.

To make sense of what came next, I must hop back in time a bit. One of the prior accusatory tweets from the NSFW server incident did escape my view, and it landed right into Jonochrome’s lap after I sent out my email as it seems they tried to do some sort of background check. The tweet was made by a user of our chat whom was pushed to post the accusation by a well-known shit-stirring member of the community. After I requested the user take it down, they did without protest. We had a decent talk about my actions and the accusations afterwards, and they seemed terribly sorry.

I know for an absolute certainty this is what caused Jonochrome to try to cut all contact and block me globally. I have little birds EVERYWHERE. I have fingers in every pie. Freddit, Jonochrome, Popgoes, Phiscord, I have contacts in moderations across the community. I am practically the Varys of the FNaF community. I have built these bridges through trust, confidentiality and my own moral character. I reach out to people, and they realise I’m not the monster they were told about from the community, I’m just a guy trying to do good by the community.

I know for a fact Jonochrome banned me from his server and blocked me because of those tweets. I am sat here, looking at the evidence that he found Michael’s tweet. I even know he commented on its removal a few days later, but blanked the fact it was withdrawn in favour of continuing to believe the content post-deletion. It got removed because he found it, so I found it, I knew who made that accusation, and then talked to them. That user GLADLY removed the tweet because they didn’t honestly believe it. They were pushed to tweet it by one of my known detractors in the heat of the moment. This is all basic shit that Jonochrome could have clarified by talking to them personally. By researching.

Sadly, to share the proof of how I know this information would compromise those whom shared the information with me, so with great agitation, I am unable to provide receipts. But my acknowledgement of this knowledge should be all he needs to know. I’ve seen his messages on this, and if Jonochrome does ever read this, know that I know full well why you banned me and blocked me out, and why you then demanded I take down all Flumpty content from It was to try to distance yourself from someone you decided was a paedophile on the basis of an old tweet. On the basis of the lies spread by my detractors.

I respectfully denied that request because I am fully within my rights to have the content on the site. If Scott’s megalawyers have actively told Scott that he can’t take down my site, a university graduate won’t be able to do anything either, especially something as complex and expensive as a transatlantic takedown that is doomed to be struck out over fair use.

What occurred was, without being a good listener, without doing an ounce of research and without trying to get my perspective, Jonochrome tried to distance himself from someone he deemed a paedophile. A blatant lie that falls apart not only because of my moral character, but also on the gender role I’d play in a relationship. It is inherently laughable.

There were other reasons they put forward for the ban. The aforementioned transgender debate, ok, sure. I know that was defended by other mods, but truth be told, I blanked the no-politics rule. My memory is rather goldfish-like, so I did not fully remember the rules to abide by. To be fair, they were talking about Pride Month. Why is acceptance not political, but critique is? But whatever. Fine.

There were also allegations I modded minors to the NSFW chat. This is regretfully true. I did not think ahead to verify ages. I was stupid and in hindsight would have set up verification. However, in my ban reasoning, there is a statement saying I have no chance for a “redemption arc”, which is insanity. Of course I regret that I stupidly didn’t verify ages, and I was happy to keep the political chat out of your server. You made that call based on lies you didn’t bother to look into.

I suppose, this is a callout post. Don’t dish out what you don’t do yourself. You did no deep digging on my allegations, nor had any conversation to me about anything to do with the incident. You didn’t listen, didn’t research and didn’t consider my perspective. You saw a whisper of an allegation, got terrified and slapped the ban button as fast as you could, demanding I cut all ties to you. The rest was just convenience to ban me, and I know this to be the mindset because the proof I have on my screen says as much.

What frustrates me the most is I’m not making this article to try to attack you – once again, I condemn all forms of attacks on my behalf. I’m doing this because even though in your actions you are maligning me in the worst possible way any human could malign another, I respect you enough to call this out in the abstract and tiny hope you will see your mistakes. But, knowing how we are, I am aware such a turnabout is very unlikely for people like us. I find those like us are not only more creative, but more stubborn when we are wrong but believe ourselves to be right. It has taken some time to try to unpick that aspect of myself, and even then, there are some aspects of that I cling onto to this day.

In any case this article exists because of that double standard. I suppose it is something you should be glad for in any case too. If people search your username coupled with paedophilia, they won’t see false allegations like you did. All they will see is that you will accept blind accusations from bad actors as fact. I’d make a joke accusation of pedophilia against some of your top brass, perhaps against Noodle whom slandered me with the pedo label publicly. But I don’t feel like being evil and slandering others. That is not what a proper community leader does. They listen, research and gain perspectives on the issues of the community, to keep their community strong, stable and safe.

And this is the lesson to the wider public I want to promote on the topic of Cancel Culture.

For one, I want you to genuinely follow the advice Jonochrome puts out. Not pretend to, as he does. Genuinely follow the advice.

I regret to say, I too have not followed those steps at times. I didn’t during the Popgoes launch over the whole “death of the author” thing. Truthfully, the delay of my apology was because I was fearful of his character and fanbase control. Since then I’ve come to understand, we’re all just people. I am just a guy who bought a domain name and typed up stuff onto it. Kane was just a teenager with a following from his Freddit days. Jonochrome is just a university graduate. Dawko is just a guy with a YouTube channel. We are all just, people. not monoliths. Still, I regret having invoked that trope ever since. I acted based on other perspectives, when I should have talked to Kane directly over the lore. I failed those standards, and am man enough to admit and apologise for this.

But, I admitted my mistakes and publicly apologised, as well as tried to ease the situation with Phisnom, for what that was worth. If you ever stray from those principles, that’s all you can really do to try to make up for it. In the wizened words of Peter Capaldi’s Doctor, “Never be cruel, and never be cowardly. And if you ever are, always make amends”. I only ever cruelly condemned someone in this community without talking to them the one time, and I vowed never to do so again. While the road to curl up in a ball, block out the world and pretend I was right the whole time was appealing – pointing to the 50/50 poll in support of my decision – that was the cowardly way. I knew I couldn’t do that, it just wouldn’t sit right. So, facing what could have been a serious backlash from his rabid fanbase, I tried to make it better, and committed to never make that mistake again. I believe that was the best path I could have taken.

We are all fallible, and I hope to expect from my community that not only will they hold these values, but that they will hold me to these values. They will call me out if I falter. Such an act I would see as an immensely respectful thing to do. Critique is not usually spite. It is respect. It is why I critique Scott so much. It is why I critique Freddit. It is why I am critiquing Jonochrome. These are people and institutions that I hold sincere respect for, and I want them to improve as people and institutions. I would hope to expect the same in return from them or from any reader if I ever fucked up. To be held to the bar I set for others.

Thank you for reading. Coming next, I will respect all over Illumix’s FNaF game, because god fucking damn it, what the ever-loving hell have they done with Special Delivery? With $8 million to make the engine AND Disney support??? It is beyond belief, and for respect of the community and of their vision for the game, I have to speak up on my experiences and do a full overview of my experience. One many are familiar with.

I don’t feel that this post should be up on the front page for any prolonged period of time. But a short time, for certain. So, I shall try to get that article up sooner than later.

Keep safe, keep well. Listen. Research. Gain Perspectives.

Kizzycocoa – Owner and designer of


For the first time, I feel I have to amend something to one of these articles. I was about to hit send, when the whole Mandopony thing happened. Naturally, the rabid fanbase set about tearing him apart. But as I mentioned above, I did urge calm and rationality. That people investigate this fully.

Being a respectable community leader and leading by example, I have been, and still am, looking into this situation. So far, only the accusers have responded with followup emails. It seems so far, there is a decent chance these accusations are real. The evidence was historically dated too, which is harder to fake consistently. Further, several details match up that paint Mandopony in a very bad light in regard to usernames, photos etc.

I don’t particularly mind about the 17 year old – being British, our Age of Consent is 16. However, in both his and the accuser’s states, it was lawfully wrong, and one must follow the law of the land. but I find it hard to be morally outraged about what is considered legal for us in the UK. I also don’t care about the praising of fanart and the acts of infidelity, those are none of my business. That being said, the other proof concerning a 15 year old is far more concerning, and I am trying to fully explore that issue.

I am not yet finished with my investigation. There is still no confirmation I have seen that he KNEW the girls he was talking to were underage. Much like my slip-up with NSFW mods, there is every chance he was just braindead-stupid. But, without Mandopony’s perspective – which I am still seeking out – the best-case scenario is that he cheated on his wife with girls online whose ages he stupidly didn’t verify. Worst case, he actively groomed several young girls.

As with Jonochrome, I ask people to not seek out and attack Mandopony, and especially not people around Mandopony. From what I hear, an official police investigation is underway. Let the police handle this, it is not for you to hound this guy down. But follow my example in this. Listen to what is going on, research the evidence and gain perspectives on all sides. I have done all three, and though it pains me to state that my investigation is not yet complete, I have to release this post. It is already 2 weeks too late. So that is where I am at right now. What I do emphasise is that you should disregard the drama around him praising fan artists, and about any infidelity. These are sideshows and are not concerns for us to deal with.

The issue at hand is the legality of alleged contact between him and some underage fans. His wife does not deserve you prying into her marital life, and the fan artists pushing their ships are having harmless fun. Septiplier is a thing, don’t forget. If people like that sorta shipping, to each their own. Live and let live. If you are to research this situation for yourself – as I encourage you do so with great care – narrow the search scope to the ages of those messaged, and try to find the root of the issue. The point where he is aware this is illegal. Don’t just see some hysteria and blindly follow it. Listen. Research. Gain Perspectives.

Mandopony could still be innocent, I’ve yet to get his side, but I am actively seeking it as any good community leader would in order to make sure their community is as informed as possible. Further, by their request, I am working to inform Freddit of the status of my investigation too. There could still be some sort of explanation, but tick tock, tick tock, hour by hour that I read into this and see more evidence, that hope dwindles.

I shall keep you all informed. Keep safe, all of you.

Listen. Research. Gain Perspectives.

2019 in Review, and Special Thanks

Hello All

A Year’s Summary The Future Special Thanks Final Thoughts

2019 has come and gone, and I feel once more I should give a bit of a review of this site, it’s direction in the coming decade and give thanks where necessary.

The site has been hanging on, but it’s clearly getting outdated. This is primarily due to sustained theory burn caused by a lack of solid facts or clarity over the canonicity of the respective books and games. Help Wanted seems to have invalidated basically all other games, and the books are always a thorn in the side of the game franchise. At a time where the game quality has only had leaps and bounds, the lore seems to have hit it’s lowest point to date in terms of legibility.

The site itself is going through a big redesign. I plan to have the site fully mobile responsive, as well as kitted out with a user-powered theme selection system. Want the site to look more like FNaF3? We can do this. Want to have a Christmassy theme all year? We got you. That’s the most ambitious part of the redesign, and we are eager to see it come to fruition.

Once this redesign is fully implemented, we can then finally move onto the public beta for the game. I need to sort out the site’s styling so I can blank the game pages style-wise, and start from scratch. So after this, we will finally be able to get out a beta. It is am ambitious project, but we’re hopeful that it will be completed come the end of 2020, with a beta coming sometime in the spring.

Further, we at FNaFLore are planning in the new year to help sort out the lore issues of the main franchise. This will be done via a massive community project to tell Scott, this is what we think of the lore, and this is how you can improve it. We hope this will at least help Scott visualise the health of his game’s lore on a visual scale, as well as providing ample methods to improve or complete the lore itself.

Scott commented to this project’s announcement: “I just want Kizzy to be happy and healthy. Lore really doesn’t have anything to do with it at this point. I just want him to find something that will make him happy again, because I don’t think the lore will ever be what he wants it to be. I really want the best for him”.

The saddest thing is, my first response to him, literally the first thing I thought when I saw his words, was the word “cohesive”. I just want a cohesive story, Scott. If the lore will never be cohesive, that is something that has to reflect on the storytelling, not the interpretations. It is all I’ve ever wanted. Once, Scott erected a strawman of me in the form of “if I make a game that contradicts one of your theories, it doesn’t mean that my game is wrong, it means that your theory needs to evolve. Otherwise you should probably change your website name to Kizzylore”. I felt that was very, very disingenuous. My issue is not with my own timeline – I don’t give a damn about my own canon. Have your glitchy virus bunnies. Have your animated noodle men. Have your corpses somehow walking with no organs or insides or anything to support them. Go wild. Scott went off the “Jason X” cliff several games ago, the game is a ridiculous mess of nonsense and with the new killer cult coming up, I mean, we’ve already jumped so many sharks, what’s another few to add to the pile.

All I ask for is for a story that makes cohesive sense. Where one leads to two, leads to three, leads to four. That is all I’ve ever asked for. I have beliefs in the lore, sure. Who doesn’t? But I do not care to stick to a story that is not canon. If a cohesive story is one that cannot be delivered, that is an indictment on nothing but the storyteller. Something I hope to show when I build that big, beautiful lorewall. I would by lying if I said that I expected anything but a negative view of the current lore. This lorewall will be a grimy shade of green, is my prediction. But who knows, perhaps I will be wrong.

The Future

Every year I put down a future section, and every year it flops. Lets hope this time, it will not.

I am hard at work on giving this site a new coat of paint. A few, actually. A great theme picker is coming, which will automatically change it’s theme around Christmas and other holidays. This is a big project, and it’s also a good excuse to modernise the entire site. So, hopefully, it will be worth the wait.

Once this redesign occurs, I shall be putting into place the Lorewall project, as mentioned in prior posts. Once that is in place, I can then return my focus onto the “PokeFNaF” game. I’ve been working on what the lore will be, and I have some decent ideas. It should be an interesting plotline.

Other plans include of course, updating all of the content on the site. I am in possession of the file dumps for Help Wanted, Curse of Dreadbear and Special Delivery, so all audio and lore snippets should be updating over the coming months. I also want to reinvent the Writer’s Corner. It just isn’t getting the traction it deserves.

Special Thanks

The sustained activity and improvements to the site and it’s Discord server has been helped thanks to the tireless effort from several close associates to the site. Here, I would like to personally and individually thank each one of them. I would also like to thank several past associates in the spirit of the holiday season.

Scott Cawthon

Of course, no list could be complete without the person for which the community would not exist without. Despite our differences on the story, kudos has to go to you for forming the basis of the community itself. I hope you had a great Christmas, and will have a very fruitful New Year!

The FNaFLore Staff


Quite frankly, Junior has to be the first in line to be thanked this year. As always, he has maintained our various Discord bots throughout the year tirelessly and with little thanks from the community, often keeping to the background in our discussions. He deserves so much recognition for keeping the chat running smoothly, and I personally thank him for his dedication to our small group on Discord. If you are to thank anyone for FNaFLore’s smooth running, Junior should be the first. Thank you Junior, and here’s hoping you had a very good Christmas!


Retro has to be the very next person to thank. Retro used to run a set of forums, but when they were threatened with closure, we invited him to monitor our forums instead, as a new home. Sadly, that did not occur and the forums had to be taken down due to inactivity and lack of upkeep, but he has been invaluable for our Discord community. Once again hiding away in the background, he has been the bottleneck for our server in terms of monitoring the Invite Lobby. He often brings a truly balanced view to our moderation team on the Discord, and I have to thank him for his service to the server. If you do visit our server, Retro is certainly the next in line to thank for his continued contributions. Thanks Retro, hope you had a merry Christmas!


I rarely hear from Momerator nowadays, but she is doing well, and is miles away from her previous condition! We all wish her the best, and wish she were maybe just a tad more active. We all miss you Mom, and we all would love to see you make a big comeback! Until then, I hope Mom has an amazing New Year.

Mr Bear

Mr Bear is the best bear, and he is all ours. He has been a model citizen of the FNaFLore Discord chat, and has to date hugged members approximately 14,864 times! He is the best bear and we all hope he has a fantastic Christmas full of all the fish he could ever want. Swing by his den in the FNaFLore Discord chat to say hello and thank him for being the best member of the entire chat community!


Originally a humble whisperer of the bear, Neither took up his role as a moderator through the Den of Degeneracy. We merged the mod teams recently, and Neither has been helping out in the main server for some time now. We thank you for your help, and wonder for just how long you will hold your record for most Mr Bear hugs (10,000). Happy holidays!

The Jurgernator

Jurg has been a model theorist of our community for some time, and after consensus from the entire team, is also a newly minted FNaFLore Discord moderator. He has been vital to the theory community for his rather rational and well thought out positions and will no doubt prove a vital addition to our own moderating team for those very same skills. Here’s hoping the coming year will help to solidify their position in our ranks, and will outshine the year just gone by!

Mr Meme

Of all the new recruits, I must say, I don’t know a lot about Mr Meme. But he has been helpful in the community, and their input in our team has been very appreciated, and I can only hope for further positive contributions as our team chugs along. I’m running out of alternate ways to say happy holidays, but have some happy holidays either way!

The Salty Bike

Quite easily my most hesitant of promotions, Salty has had some history with the chat. But so far, the small hop of faith I have had in them has not been misplaced. Salty has been exceedingly active, and has valiantly put forward their views while trying to radically reform the FNaFLore Discord moderation. There has been some give and take, but Salty has been very receptive to my concerns regarding user rights within our own server, which makes me hopeful for their future status on our team. Their input and proposed changes have been greatly appreciated, and I hope their further contributions into the new year will be just as useful and insightful.

Fangame Creators


Of all the fangames in the community, the Flumpty games have, in my eyes, easily been the most creative and beloved. It is a tremendous loss to the surrounding fan community that the series ended just 2 games in, but like all other fans, I respect that all things must come to an end. Jonochrome is an amazing creator, and I would implore people to play his Undercook and Esotericism of Bargo series. Both of these are criminally underplayed. He seems to have been struggling creatively ever since the Flumpty franchise came to an end. Frankly, considering all of his works before and after the franchise, Jonochrome is a very talented creator in all respects. His works never fail to leave a smile on my face, and I wish him well in his post-college works. I look forward to all of his future content as a fan of his specific universe of creations, and wish him a very, very happy New Year!


Emil is someone I feel I should always thank and apologise to. Of all the fangame creators, Emil is the one I feel I’ve wronged the most, as their section is the most incomplete. I’ve not talked much to Emil, but they’ve always been very friendly when we have talked. I can only yet again apologise for their section’s lack of content. This site’s redesign is taking a lot of time, but once that is done, I want to finish that section, particularly as their fangame series seems to be getting another game in the (hopefully near!) future. Happy New Year man, and apologies again for how far behind that section is!


Popgoes and I don’t tend to see eye to eye on much anymore, but I still hope life for him has been good since he got the baggage of the Popgoes release sorted over 2 years ago. He seems to have mellowed out a bit. It is with regret that we don’t often speak, primarily due to the whole incident on my part concerning the story confusion with the lead programmer. Still, I hope his holidays have been good non-the-less.


I’ve talked to Nikson a few times, and with the restyling and retooling of the site, have some plans to talk with him concerning a relatively popular FNaFLore fan request. I hope to have some very fruitful talks with him soon, and wish him a happy holiday season.

FNaFLore Discord Regulars


GBAura has been a very close friend this past year. Having also been wrongfully banned, we’ve had many discussions over all things, from ban reform, to moderator ethics, to the lore of FNaF and the future of the franchise. They have also been very helpful, putting me in contact with people whom can help improve the site with resources from the latest games. A bit sheepish, GB has been somewhat held back in the main chat, and has often shied away from our server. But when she is there and is theorising, she has put across her cases very well, and I look forward to her continued involvement in the site and it’s community. Thanks again, GB!


Connie is a bitch. I can think of no other fitting way to open this than to lay the cards on the table.

But hey, she’s our bitch. Despite our relative animosity from past issues, somehow, a form of mutual respect has formed, and has only grown stronger over this past year. She may rub the chat the wrong way most, if not all of the time. But her contributions are invaluable to the community. Often times, if I feel I may be a bit ahead of myself, I consult Connie to get her critical views on my actions or thoughts.

She has been an excellent member of our community and an ideal ideological sparring partner. It has been good to see her go from shutting down others via insults and character attacks, to being a very involved and often argumentative member of our community. I can only wish her the best in the future and a very happy holiday season.


Comical has been a very committed follower of both FNaFLore, and of the more personal causes that have come from our community. A supporter of the Blue Wave, Comical’s continued contributions to the chat are greatly appreciated, certainly by myself. His renders and artwork have been particularly special to me. I have loved and adored each passing piece of shitpost art he makes concerning the whole FreeBlue issue. I hope he has a very good year next year, and I hope we will be privileged to continue to see him within our Discord server!


Skytlz has been rather quiet this year, but as a dedicated supporter to the cause, I would like to thank him for the year just gone. Hope you have a good 2020!


I’d like to thank LAK for their tireless help in the resource dumping community. Thanks to their contributions through their tool, we can stroll through the inner workings of nearly all of the FNaF games and related fangames, minus the latest few. It has helped the site massively, and I wish to put a spotlight onto their tireless work. It seems as of late, their workload has increased, meaning the tool is lagging behind a tad. But I hope that they have enjoyed a fulfilling Christmas break.


I really should talk to Peridot more often. We met after I commissioned an image for the site, and were good close friends for some time, though we’ve sorta dropped off communication. I don’t tend to actively message people, and they were only sorta into the community, so I guess it makes sense. I should most certainly drop a line every now and then though. In any case, thanks for your help and friendship this past year Peri. Here’s hoping for the best for you in the coming year!

Freddit Staff


Yes, this one is a shock. But, despite our differences and their wrong opinion on moderator ethics, I do have to thank Invaderzz. Despite being clearly false and wrong about all things relating to ban reform, one must take note of their contributions to the community as a whole. They have held Freddit together quite well, and despite my occasional trolls, have been receptive to any pressing and urgent issues I have brought to them.

I maintain that he was a breath of fresh air as the head moderator, even if being such wasn’t a particularly challenging thing to do considering the prior administration. But despite all of our conflict and my inexcusable and baseless ban situation, one cannot argue that, in general, Invaderzz has been a very good figurehead for the FNaF community on Reddit. A part of me – the part that is not still fuming about my year+ long indefensible ban – will miss him as the head of the moderation team, and I can only wish him well for whichever community he winds up frequenting in the future.


I’ve not talked to Fnafgyfr for some time, but I feel I should at least reference them as the newly minted head moderator of Freddit. They always struck me as a rather reasonable moderator, and I can think of no better hands, beside an active Momerator’s, that the community could be under. Even so soon into his moderation, we’ve already had productive talks in regards to a specific community issue, and I feel confident he will be able to carry the burden of his newfound position. Here’s to hoping our continued discussions are just as productive, and that he proves to be yet another step forward for the community, and perhaps, a secret champion of moderation ethics in regards to ban reform. Only time can tell.


Springpopo is a bit of an odd one to put, but I want to recognise them non-the-less. They’ve been relatively quiet, so I’ve not much to say on their activity. But I have noticed, when things have seemed rather rowdy on the channel, they were often there to talk some sense, and as a good communication channel to Freddit itself. So I’d like to thank them for swinging by when it matters, and hope their incidental appearance in the chat grows ever more frequent.

Former FNaFLore Regulars


Subwoofer was an old and very close friend of mine, whom sadly has felt the need to distance herself this year. There was a falling out over a procedural and free speech issue on the Discord channel, to which I believe she still has not forgiven me. I can’t say I can agree with the objections she has to our system – though the resolution did take a long, long time. That being said, even with her finally leaving the server, I can only wish her the best for the future.


Doggo is often in my thoughts, particularly around this time of year. We were relatively close, having been brought together through the Momerator fundraiser. I still have a very funny (Pass:”makeDSaF3plz”) “employee manual” page on here from when he decided to write a few little stories about us as actors.

We had a falling out some time ago over something needlessly minor and ultimately pointless. Some stray decisions and opinions regarding an old fundraising campaign for Momerator. I disagreed with him, he disagreed with me, we debated each other and made our cases respectively, and somehow this ended up with him cutting ties several months after the campaign was de-facto finished.

As always, around the new year, I think of him and hope he is doing well. I hear things are much better for him now, to which despite whatever animosity we have, I feel very happy that he has this new lease of life, and I hope things only continue to go well for him. Whatever you’re doing, I wish you well in the New Year.

In Conclusion

The last few years, I’ve felt like I’ve just been dragging this site along. This site hasn’t been expanded much, and that’s in large part my lack of enthusiasm in the franchise as of late. While I respect the new storyline, having so many lore strands missing a solid resolution in the prior storyline is draining my enthusiasm for the entire series. In 2020, I’m hoping to try to generate some enthusiasm myself with the PokeFNaF game.

I may not be excited for the main franchise, but every time I’ve lingered on the fangame, the ideas I have had just spur me to try to update the site. With the redesign, I will then try to fix the holes in the site while stoking the motivation to do so from the fangame development itself. Hopefully, this will drag me out of the rut I’ve been suffering for the last ~2 years, which no doubt has also frustrated many of you, too. Both my rut for the site, and the rut of other theorists for the lore.

Have a very happy New Year!

Kizzycocoa – Owner and designer of


Hello All

I am currently still finishing up that site redesign in preparation for a public demo of the tentatively named “PokeFNaF” game, but I wanted to announce publicly my next mini project.

After Help Wanted, I sent an email to Scott begging him to clarify the intent of the tapes. Were all prior games now just that? In-universe games, tainted by the influence of a developer and the subject the games were covering, rendering them canonically moot? After some back and forth, he completely and utterly dodged the question, and basically told me that he’d come to terms that he couldn’t satisfy my need for the lore to be completed.

This struck me as particularly confounding. I am a simple man of simple desires. Such as, don’t include 2 purple guys in your game if they’re not the same person. Don’t allude to most of the franchise being non-canon. Don’t dance around a single bite, hoping that drawing it out to infinity and beyond will validate your game’s mystery selling point.

Basically, a good story is told, not alluded to. There are hints, yes. You get spooooky co-incidences to hint at the actions to come, but we have 1, 2, 3, 4, World, SL, PS, UCN, Help Wanted, Dreadbear, the upcoming AR game and now we hear, some special game for Markiplier and the gang. We’re now essentially 10 games give or take, into the franchise. Yet some of the most basic questions, such as who did the bite, who was the crying child, is FNaF4 a dream or real etc. etc. remain completely unanswered, up for total speculation. At this point, with Scott trying to move on, I feel the community overall are trying to drag him back like horse wranglers trying to lead the horse to water so it may drink, desperate to make him complete the story he seemingly has abandoned.

But, it hit me while contemplating it. Scott barely sees the actual underline community. Negativity is generally quashed on the Reddit, and he has absolutely zero view of the various Discords. Where should Scott go to get a true dipstick value of the lore at its present stage? Is there such a place where such opinions are collated, specifically laying out the quality of the lore, and the multitude of ways the lore can be improved?

It dawned on me, no, there is no place. There is no “” for him to visit. There is no way he can view this information.

Therefore, I have decided, no more. I will erect this resource for him to view, ponder over and contemplate. Brick by brick, we, the community, will build the greatest wall of lore critique, praise and concerns that the community has ever seen. It will be a beautiful wall. It will be the biggest wall. It will be the bestest wall. Believe me. We will build this wall, and we will make Popgoes pay for it.

Light comedy and political satire aside, I plan to build what is a wall of criticism. The aim, simple. For each bit of critique sent in, I add a brick. That brick’s colour reflects the rating (0-10) that user has for the lore in its present state, allowing us to immediately visually see what the community thinks about the health of the lore at present. Good, bad, all opinions will be welcome.

Whenever a brick is clicked, an interface will appear, showing who laid that brick, and most importantly, both their thoughts on the lore right now, and their thoughts on how the lore can be improved.

With this resource, I hope to build a location where Scott actually CAN see what the community wants, and can see our various requests of him, all in one place. A location where the community can lay out precisely how they think this issue – if they feel there is an issue – can be fixed, which will provide Scott with ample ideas to improve the lore, be it its presentation, or the lack of known details we have.

Scott told me in his email reply, “I realized that this lore would never live up to your standard”. I disagree completely. However, I hear what I think you are really saying, Scott. You feel I can’t be satisfied. But I would contest that, perhaps, this is not the full picture. Perhaps you actually feel that none of us can be satisfied – or at least, a bulk of us can’t.

You have no way to truly communicate with an entire fanbase. No way to find out the general feel for the community at a glance. You have the critics like me lamenting from one side of the aisle, while on the other side, the fanboys silence us to lay bubblewrap at your feet, protecting you from critique in it’s entirety. Perhaps, you are completely sheltered from the abject frustration that belies the friendly skin that is wrapped around the discontent. Perhaps this very blog post will be suppressed by those whom would call themselves your biggest fans. It is a theory. Not a Game Theory, but a social one. I hope to test this out.

I replied at the time, dude, I like Flumpty. My standards are just a coherent and finished story with most of the loose ends tied up or able to be explained away.

However, for my true reply, hold tight for the site redesign. I will do what should have been done a long, long time ago. I will go to the community. I will gather their lore-specific feedback and concerns and collate them in the most visually understandable way possible. I will show you what the community wants, which I suspect, is a proper rounding off of the FNaF 1-UCN story and clarification of the canonicity of the games. I will even go one better, and I will give you a thousand ways to do this, courtesy of the very community you feel cannot be satisfied.

You want to move on, to move on to this Vanny computer-Afton-virus killer cult chapter. Well one cannot move onto the next project without completing the first. To help, I will build you the biggest and most beautiful wall that has ever been built. I will ensure that there is no doubt as to what this community wants, and there will be no end to the ways you can implement it. You want to know how the lore could live up to our standards? I will make sure there is no room for doubt as to the multitude of ways it can do so.

Kizzycocoa – President of

Trying to get back into FNaF

Hey all

Well, Help Wanted. That happened, huh.

Quite frankly, I don’t even have the heart to do an article right now. Scott is fucking the lore so much, I don’t even care. The lore is fucked and I don’t think it can be piece together while in the hands of an incompetent storyteller.

It’s taken a while to try to get back into FNaF. now the lore is gone, there’s not a lot to draw me to this game series anymore, as I consider the lore to be a completely lost cause. This isn’t even just me, I know many people, some part of the Freddit team too, who have just given up on the lore. it’s just depressing to think about, and I will not allow myself to be insulted any longer caring about it.

The last four months, just to try to get over it all, I’ve been playing other games. first, Minecraft. funny how it also got popular soon after I played it. Then, The Binding of Isaac. While playing Isaac, I refound some motivation that I am trying my darndest to capitalise on, before that too fades away.

PokeFNaF. That’s a name I’ve not dropped in a while. I really need to get it sorted, and I want to give it a go at the least. The story I’ve worked out in my head has been shaping up well, and the roguelike encounters of Isaac have me a bit inspired. So, I will do just that. I’ll reopen the arrays I made, and try to complete it, including the new characters as well. I think the last time I had issues, it was in trying to work out the evolutions of the starter animatronics. With so many types, between Nightmares, Funtimes, Toys and Rockstars, it was rather challenging. That’s before we even consider that I need all of their weights too. And heights. Joy.

To do this though, I think I need to overhaul this site’s theme files. It’s gonna be a big project, but honestly, I’ve seen it coming for a while. I may even be able to overhaul things to such a degree that you could pick your personal style of the site. that’d be pretty cool to see.

Still, I am alive. Just, very demotivated. I want to be enthusiastic. But Help Wanted sapped all that from me. I mean kudos to Scott, it takes some skill to empty the bottomless pit of personal investment that comes with an Aspergic person. People hyper-focused and obsessed on a single subject. Minecraft did that to me over the course of 6 years by simply denying simple mod support. Scott really put in that time and effort to fully deplete it in half the time. Genuinely, well done.

I’ll see how I can update the site more generally. But I want to take baby steps, and not promise the world this time.

Kizzycocoa – Owner of

Daily Help Wanted Lorehunt Streams (All done. Article inbound.)

Hello all

The livestream on the Wednesday was a mostly-success! So, we will be doing them every day until the game is finished. I will start them at 7PM my time (see all timezones in the title), and run them for 3 1/2 hours. For me, this means clocking off at 10:30PM. We often start the stream 10 minutes early for teething issues and for some small pre-talk. Feel free to join us then! All streams will be on my Youtube channel, and will be placed on the front page of FNaFLore, as well as within this blog post.

For a reminder, as one of the privileged few that owns a VR set, I am hosting live lore-hunting streams for Help Wanted on Youtube. The streams will be game footage only. No IRL camera.

All of our special staff members can speak in a Discord voice chat that will be live on the stream. All other users will be able to both listen into that Discord chat, as well as type in the accompanying text chat. With this system, any lore hints are funnelled through any participating theorists or staff members. I shall try to be thorough, but hints will help! We’ve gone into this almost completely blind, and want to be for lore reasons.

Our first task is to finish the game WITHOUT picking up collectables. This may unlock something special, who knows! Seems to be the hardest one to get, as everyone instinctively picks up at least one collectable.
From there, we will likely focus on collecting all the coins. These seem more in-gamey rather than the tapes. less of a 4th wall breaker, more of an intended mechanic.
Finally, we will round off by collecting all the tapes. I presume this has some meta-value to it, so we’re leaving the glitchy tape route until last.

Here’s hoping we actually get some closure from Help Wanted! I’m guessing we won’t, but we can dream. We can dream.

Hope to see you there!

Kizzycocoa – Owner of

Help Wanted Lorehunt Stream Announcement (Game issues fixed! We’re trying tomorrow at 6PM GMT!)

Hello all!

As one of the privileged few that owns a VR set, I shall be hosting a live lore-hunting stream for Help Wanted on Youtube. This stream will be on Wednesday Afternoon (6PM GMT). We will try to set it up professionally this time, so we don’t have an hour of trying to adjust the volumes. This stream will be game footage only. No IRL camera I’m afraid!

All of our special staff members will be able to speak in a voice chat that will be live on the stream. All other users will be able to both listen into that chat, as well as type in an accompanying text chat. With this system, any lore hints will be funnelled through any participating theorists or staff members. I shall try to be thorough, but hints will help. I’d like to say, if you take part, please tell me what to do, and don’t spoil what occurs! I’m going into this almost completely blind, and want to be for lore reasons.

Due to issues with the Unreal engine and the Audio, we’ve had to postpone the stream from Tuesday to Wednesday. We found a fix to our issues. Lets hope it works!

Here’s hoping we actually get some closure from Help Wanted! I’m guessing we won’t, but we can dream. We can dream.

Hope to see you there!

Kizzycocoa – Owner of