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Extra Content for Sister Location

Potential Baby VA Lines

You won’t tell anyone, will you?

I am ready for the show to be over.

Ballora VA Lines

Why do you hide inside your walls,

when there is music in my halls?

All I see is an empty room.

No more joy; an empty tomb.

It’s so good to sing all day.

To dance, to spin, to fly away.

Is someone there? Is it time for the show?

I can hear someone creeping through my room.

Perhaps, not.

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7 Stage 8 Stage 9 Stage 10 Stage 11 Stage 12 Stage 13 Stage 14

babydev01 funtimefreddy01 funtimefoxy01

babyschematics balloraschematics
funtimefreddyschematics funtimefoxyschematics